Presentation: Tweet"Mobile HTML5"
We all hear about HTML5 every day. This session will give attendees a quick overview of what can be done using HTML5 on smartphones and tablets and what should they expect on performance, development time and interoperability with native code.
What is really HTML5 on the mobile space? What can we do? What about compatibility?
In this session, we are going to cover the status of HTML5, and lot of new stuff under its umbrella, on every main mobile platform. We are going to check what is actually HTML5 in the W3C standard, what is not and how about compability, what do you need today to create HTML5 experiences on mobile devices, the tablet ecosystem and what you really can do using HTML5.
Creating apps for store with HTML5 will be also covered, mentioning challenges and advantages of using hybrids for apps, APIs available and what can be expected for the near future.
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